Achieving goals can be challenging. From personal experience, I understand the struggles of setting goals and not following through. That is why I developed this app to provide the necessary support and resources to turn your aspirations into reality.
Throughout my life, I have encountered numerous occasions of friends, family, and peers (including myself) set a new goal only to see it abandoned within a couple of weeks after losing motivation. Why do so many people find accomplishing a new goal so difficult?
With so many self-help products, how can we utilize research to improve a user’s motivation and consistency with new habits? This project set out to answer that question and find out how to push the boundaries further.
3 Months
Solo UX Designer
Habify allows users to share achievements, connect with friends, track goals, and receive support and accountability to help the user achieve them.
According to Forbes, 92% of people who set a new goal for themselves fail.
After the user interviews were conducted, I used post-it notes to create an from the interviewees to find out themes that might prove to be useful I my design.
Research suggests that people are more likely to achieve their goals when they have the support of others.
Opportunity: Design a social feature within the app that lets users share their daily activities in real-time.
The absence of immediate satisfaction or pleasure from achieving goals can deter progress and hinder motivation to persist in achieving them.
Opportunity: Implement a sharing feed that allows users to like and comment on each others achievements .
Poor time management leads to failed outcomes by overwhelming individuals and preventing progress toward goals.
Opportunity: Implement a daily planner and alerts to hep the user manage time better
A user person was created to based on gathered research conducted above. This fictional user was created to help guide design choices based on perceived needs of potential users.
I created a user flow diagram to outline the necessary functionalities for the app. The flow includes the most important tasks a user can perform, such as finding a friend on the map currently doing an activity and sending them a message. Additionally, users can add an activity they are currently doing to the map and share it with their friends. Another essential app feature is the ability to complete a task and share a photo to the user's feed.
As the project is continued to move forward, there was no pre-existing design system to reference when I began working on the project. I took full responsibility for the project’s identity and created a comprehensive style guide.
If I had more time, I would have continued iterations of my product based on user feedback. The iterations I did from the two rounds of testing were helpful, and I would have liked to see what was still on the table.
I believe the app has so much potential and many different avenues and ways for expansion. I would love to ideate and create new features to add and expand this product to see what works and what does not.
In the words of Albert Einstein, I found myself getting frustrated and constantly fixing issues and bugs in my design. Ultimately, I reminded myself why I am here, and mistakes are a sign that I am on a new path to success.